A bigger and better chicken?

While I was reading the book ‘Eating Animals’ I was on vacation with my family on Cape Cod and one night we decided to grill some chicken for dinner. As I was opening the styrofoam and plastic wrapped package of chicken breasts from Stop and Shop and I was thinking that these were the biggest chicken breasts I had ever seen and I would have to cut them in half so that I could cook them on the grill (I had done this before but didn’t think much about it). I started to think about the book and that this chicken could not be a normal chicken and had to have been pumped up with hormones to get breast meat of that volume on a single chicken.

The book explains how these supermarket chickens come to be this size in some detail. Here is a link to an article from the Humane society’s publication All Animals, published in 2016, which explains how this type of chicken evolved and how they are raised.
