Why eat grass-fed beef?

Cows aren’t meant to eat grain and corn – they have evolved to eat grass.  Seems logical right?  Then why is it so hard to find true grass-fed beef?  Factory Farm cows are fed a complex mixture of ingredients that are far away from a cows natural diet of grass.  I won’t go into the whole story of what goes into this feed but here is a link if you want to know more.  What I will say is that in order for factory farms to trick a cows digestive system to eat a diet based on grains they need to be pumped up with drugs and you can imagine what that does to their digestive systems and overall health.  I used to get serious heartburn from drinking coffee (I used to drink 5-6 cups a day) and one day I asked my doctor what I could do to stop the heartburn.  He said, ‘I am not going to prescribe a pill to stop your heartburn, if you want to stop your heartburn stop drinking coffee’. Good point.  So I stopped drinking coffee and haven’t had a cup since.  If I would have taken Zantac to keep drinking coffee my stomach would have been ruined.  This is what is happening to factory farm cows we are giving them drugs to enable them to consume foods that are making them sick so they can produce meat and milk.  Why would we want to eat sick cows?

So it seems that it would be preferable to eat a cow that was fed its natural diet – cows don’t only eat grass they eat a mixture of vegetation here is a link that explains.  How do we find beef from such cows?  Not as easy as you may think. It should be noted that all cows begin their lives in more or less the same way – they all start out living on a farm, pasture-raised, as natural as can be.  It’s what happens at around 3-4 months that makes the difference.  Factory farm cows gradually get switched to a grain based diet in order to put on as much weight as quickly as possible.  A number of other possibilities exist for the grass-fed cow.  Firstly, they can be grass-fed but still on a feedlot in cramped conditions similar to a factory farm cow.  Diet is much better but living conditions are not.  This leads to another commonly used term, pasture-raised.  All cows begin their lives pasture-raised.  Factory farm cows are then shipped to these farms and gradually transitioned to a grain diet.  Also cows can be grass-fed, pasture-raised but grain finished – for the last 2-3 months of their lives they ate grain to fatten them up.  It is also very difficult for cows in colder climates (eg. New England) to have a 100% pasture-raised, grass-fed diet, they often need some grain supplement – which leads to another term – organic-grain or non-GMO grain diet.  Confused yet?